Friday 9 December 2011

Surprising Celebrity Quirks & Phobias

Surprising Celebrity Quirks & Phobias

Surprising Celebrity Quirks & Phobias, One star's afraid of potted plants. Another hates chewing gum. And a few have real symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Find out who's bothered by what. Celebs aren't perfect. They have their secret quirks -- the little things that get to them like nothing else can -- just like we do. Even a little fun in the sun during the summer months is enough get sand in somebody's shorts. So which celebs have a specific phobia or pet peeve? Find out here!

Oprah's, people generally try to stay on Oprah's good side. But those uninformed about her various annoyances might get on her bad side as a result of a fairly innocuous activity.
as an action star and a guy who's sharing his life with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt has to muster a lot of courage on a day-to-day basis. But he has admitted that he has a rather unusual and very specific fear.
If asked to picture Christina Ricci's home, you might imagine a few things: a huge collection of clothes, for example. But there's one thing you should not expect. It's an everyday item for which she has a strong dislike.
Growing up with a famous dad (and eventually a famous family as well), Kelly Osbourne must be used to attention. However, there's one kind that she'd rather go without...
Keira Knightley is a busy woman. As such, there's one thing strangers can do to her as she's walking down the street that might just make this British lass act a little less proper.
By adulthood, most people stop believing the many superstitions that dictate childhood life. Not Leonardo DiCaprio. There's one he still follows.
With all the effort Nicole Kidman puts into looking perfect and statuesque, you'd think she'd be as impervious as solid marble. Nope!
There are certain unpleasant elements that everyone finds objectionable. But some, like Scarlett Johansson, take this phobia to a whole new level.
Many athletes have funny little superstitions that they think help them play better, but David Beckham has one that's very strange. Unusual, even. Bizarre. Hmm, what's another word?
It's not that Cameron Diaz is above the rest of us; it's that she just hates our germs. So what everyday object does Cameron dread touching?
Who'd have guessed that *NSYNC would be an appropriately named band for a guy with a compulsion for precision? Do you know what is it that Justin Timberlake does as an obsessive organizer?
Victoria Beckham has a definite style, but can you guess what look she just can't stand? She used to be one of its biggest proponents, but she'll have nothing to do with it from here on out.
This funnyman can be very tightly wound when it comes to order in his life. But what specific activity is Alec Baldwin so compelled to do that it has made him miss flights on multiple occasions?
She sang "Since U Been Gone," but there's something that Kelly Clarkson will make gone in an instant if she sees it. No worries, though -- you'll look better if she does it to you.
Billy Bob Thornton has the market cornered on weird, for sure, but you don't know the half of it. There are certain ordinary household items that he finds just completely objectionable.
When The Black Eyed Peas frontman revealed his biggest turn-off about women, he got some people pretty angry. Hint: It's something they might keep in their home...
Hosting a game show surrounded by all that money, Howie Mandel must have been driven crazy by his pet peeve. In fact, this annoyance motivated him to shave his head.
On Planet Martha, only good things are allowed. So what was it that Martha Stewart banned her employees from bringing to work?
Doesn't Whoopi Goldberg just like someone who suffers from a pet peeve or two? There's something in particular, however, that just sends her through the roof...
When Donald Trump revealed his pet peeve, he managed to anger a whole lot of nice people who didn't appreciate the apparent slight. Who are these people? And what does Donald think is wrong with them?

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